October 29th is Republic Day in Turkey 🇹🇷 🎉🎈
Beginning on 28th October is Republic Day Eve (Cumhuriyet Bayramı) and there is a national holiday for two days, celebrating the proclamation of Turkey as a a Republic in 1923. On the same day Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became president.

I’ve never experienced celebrations 🎉 quite like Republic Day; singing, dancing, marches, flags, streamers & plenty of family time.
You just can’t go to Turkey, without being staggered by the presence of Atatürk.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürks iconography adorns buildings, street corners and every town square in Turkey. Beautifully framed pictures of Atatürk adorn the walls of family homes, grocery stores, bakeries, schools, tea houses, barbers, and even the vegetable & fruit stalls at the weekly markets.

On October 29th 1923, Atatürk established Turkey as a Republic and implemented sweeping reforms that sought to establish a more secular, modern and European-style society. As part of his strategy he launched a program of revolution social, political, cultural and judicial reforms. These reforms included the separation of religion and state affairs (secularism); the introduction of modern contemporary eduction; co-education for boys & girls; a new alphabet; equal rights for women, and the modern contemporary eduction; co-education for boys & girls; a new alphabet; equal rights for women, and the introduction of Western legal codes & dress.