I'm biased of course, but after years of trying to perfect these delicious charred vegetables by precariously balancing my aubergines over the gas hob and generally creating a sticky burnt mess on my hob as I went along, this simple gadget has made the messy task of roasting aubergines a thing of the past.
It has to be used on a gas stove or a BBQ (sadly it doesn't work on electric hobs). Simply place your Közmatik directly onto the gas burner, full flame. Place your aubergines directly onto the Közmatik turning regularly as the outside slowly chars and the insides soften. Be patient, if you think your aubergines are done, they're generally not done. They need to be not just charred, but collapsing in on themselves, and decidedly soft all the way through.
Aubergines are my all time favourite, and I'm committed to promoting aubergines at every opportunity. But you know what, the Közmatik works brilliantly for roasting lots of other vegetables; courgettes, peppers, chillies, garlic, cloves, even chestnuts.
Take a peek at our Közmatik here
Our favourite recipe is the traditional Turkish aubergine dip, Baba Ganoush; 'patlican ezmesi' or 'mutabal' as it's called in Turkey.